By the way, the last group and character in the list are X-Men and Wolverine. Sometimes the browser will claim to still be loading data after this, but just ignore it - if you have up to Wolverine, you have loaded them all.
There are two overall parts to the CombatApplet - the character displays, and the combat display.
Currently the program can parse (understand) all the HERO statistics, but only some of the powers, and none of the disadvantages or notes. Where the program has understood a power, the character display will display a line of the power text as the program understood it, followed by the original power text in { braces }. There may be an Errors: section at the bottom of the display - these are mathematical inconsistencies between the costs of characteristics in the original Sam Bell text and what the program thinks the characteristic should cost. Since the program doesn't yet understand certain powers that affect the values of statistics (such as Growth), these reported errors can be taken with a grain of salt.
The left hand side selection list lists the attack options open to the character, including END cost and charges. Click to select the action you want the character to use its next phase of the combat. The default selection, Random Action means to rechoose randomly among the list shown each attack phase. This option will also be automatically chosen if the last selected action cannot be used - runs out of charges, or is out of range, for example. If a half-move is necessary to use the action, that is shown first, for example 10" Flight, 2 END and 10d6 Punch, -1/+0, 5 END. At 0 range that would be shown only as 10d6 Punch, 5 END since no half-move would be necessary.
The bottom left field is a Knockdown checkbox. If this is checked, then the character will direct all Knockback from any hand-to-hand (0 range) attacks on his opponent straight down within the same hex, instead of knocking the opponent away. This option has no effect on ranged attacks. If a specific character action is not selected, this option has a 50% chance of being used any given attack.
The bottom right fields display skill levels usable with the currently selected attack. If you haven't selected a specific attack, the fields are not editable. Free levels are levels that can be put towards OCV, DCV, or additional damage with an attack. If the character is using a specific attack, rather than letting the program pick, the OCV, DCV, and damage levels fields are editable, otherwise they only show you the way the program has randomly distributed assignable levels. The program also recognizes levels which can only be put on DCV or OCV, and displays those too, after the + after those fields, but doesn't let you edit them. All editable level fields must be positive, and their sum cannot exceed the number of assignable levels, otherwise the program will re-randomize the fields - so if you want to put all of a hero's levels on OCV, first set DCV and Damage to 0, and only then set the OCV field to equal assignable levels.
If you use the New Hero button to leave this window after making changes, then your changes will be added to the end of the Select Hero list as a new character, and the character you started editing will be unchanged.
The characters act in DEX order within a phase, with the character from the top HeroLister acting first in case of ties. When any character is reduced to 0 or negative STUN or BODY, the combat ends, and the other is declared the winner. Pressing another Fight button will begin a new combat, with combatants again at full strength. Selecting another character in the middle of a combat will also begin a new combat, with both characters again at full strength.
Another warning: even as a separate window, this program is running in your Web browser. If you change to another page, the program may hang, doing nothing, and if you close your browser, the program will close.
Currently only the following character features matter to the program:
Characteristics STR, DEX, CON, BODY, EGO, PD, ED, SPD, REC, END, STUN
Powers Armor, Damage Resistance, Ego Blast, Energy Blast, Flash Defense, Flight, Gliding, Hand (to Hand) Attack, (Hand or Ranged) Killing Attack, Mental Defense, Power Defense, Running, Swinging, Teleport, Telekinesis, Damage Reduction
Advantages Attack vs Limited Defense, Attack vs No Normal Defense, Charges, EB vs Physical Defense, NND Does BODY, No Range Modifier, Reduced END Cost, Reduced END Cost on Strength
Limitations Increased END Cost, Charges, No Knockback, No Range
Skills Martial Attacks, Martial Dodge, Combat Skill Levels (Overall, Combat, Hand-to-Hand, DCV, Weapon Group, OCV with specific Weapon)
Other powers, all disadvantages, all perks, and all other skills are completely ignored. But at least now the program is good for more than just simulating a battle between bricks! However, there are still a lot of features in the HERO system, and it will take a lot of hard work to parse even a few of them in, and make them all matter.